Our suppliers play a vital part for Aibel's and our customers' success
We therefore emphasize the development of a base of preferred suppliers.
In addition to supporting our overall business goals and living up to our quality standards, Aibel expects that our suppliers comply with international laws and regulations, as well as our own ethical standards as described in our general Code of Conduct and a specific Supplier Code of Conduct.
An existing supplier?
If you are already a supplier to Aibel, find out more about how to submit invoices.
How to become a supplier
To become a supplier to Aibel, you need to meet certain criteria:
- All suppliers must be approved in accordance with Aibel's Due Dilligence process. This is an investigation uncovering e.g. the supplier's ethical standard.
- Aibel always complies with the laws of the countries in which the company does business – and expect the same of its suppliers. All suppliers must sign a Supplier Code of Conduct to confirm this.
- For critical deliveries, potential suppliers will be evaluated and rated according to Aibel's Total Quality System Review (TQSR).
- Aibel uses ten key performance indicators to benchmark performance. Important factors are leadership, strategic planning, procurement and HSSE (Health, Safety, Security and Environment).
Aibel expects its suppliers to continuously work efficient and always comply with the company's quality requirements.